On July 21st when I woke up for work at 2am I discovered that my kitchen sink was leaking! Emergency maintenance was not very responsive, I called as I was walking out the door but I had to go home after the 4am news and call again. This time the guy called me back, told me to turn the water off and that he'd be in soon. He was there when I got home from work at 11am so you know he didn't get there till like 9:30am or something. Glad you hustled over buddy! once the water was off it no longer mattered. Oh and then a few days later the sink was leaking again in a different location, they ended up having to replaced the whole faucet feature.
Kathy Griffin at TPAC
Thursday night I had tickets to see the hilarious Kathy Griffin at TPAC with Laurie! watching her show live is like listening to someone with ADD because she jumps all over the place and takes forever to get through a story, then she promises to tell you about things and never comes back to it. Either way the show was great! She talked about how crazy hot it was here in Nashville, (I believe she said "how do you people live here, it's hot as balls here") she came out on stage wearing and I quote, "a target skirt and bikini top" and she said there was no backup plan if something happened with the bikini lol. The show was great, lots of laughs and I would recommend seeing her live if you enjoy her style of comedy (she's brash and doesn't hold back but it's all good)
I took my 4th of July holiday on Friday so I decided to take a me day. I went to Chipotle for lunch - I was going through withdrawal! it was over a month since my last burrito from there. Desert was of course Pinkberry. I stopped at the used bookstore and got 2 DVDs for like 10 bucks. I then stopped off at the car wash because my car was filthy, it hadn't been washed since before the winter! My next stop was Nashville West (a shopping plaza). I bought 2 shirts at NY & Co. and apparently you can get 20% off with your AAA card so major score for me! I bought a necklace at Claire's, a gossip Magazine at Target, a portable hard drive for my computer from best buy (which I ended up returning and buying at Target the next day), and finally I went to World Market (a sort of Trader Joe's type market), I bought mix for Red Velvet pancakes! I can't wait to try them. I also bought some Kettle Corn because who doesn't love kettle corn?
Backyard Burgers
I tried a new place for lunch on Saturday - with another free birthday coupon! Backyard Burgers. The food was good but if I didn't have a coupon it would have been pricey. And the floors at the restaurant were sticky.
Monday was my ear doctor appointment (remember last week I had that issue with my hearing?). I got a hearing test, which was interesting since I hadn't had one since I was a kid, and then the nurse practitioner checked out my ears. Basically since I was no longer experiencing the symptoms she couldn't really tell me what the problem was but she took out some wax and told me if it happens again to come back but most likely was just some sort of debris that worked it's way clear.
$3 Frozen Margaritas!
Later Monday I went to La Paz to listen to Jenn Bostic's set, it was also $2 margarita night! the other guy who played when Jenn played, Spencer Modler, played guitar and harmonica. The margarita's were awesome. Jenn was amazing as usual and she played 2 new songs (you'll find them below, along with part of one of Spencer's songs). After Jenn's set she invited me to join her and her friend for dinner. I wasn't hungry but I went to hang out with them anyway and I'm really glad I did. Lots of fun that night. This is what I love about this city - I wasn't planning on doing anything that night and all of a sudden I go out and listen to awesome music and hang out with awesome people! Oh and don't forget cheap drinks!
Tuesday my cousin Adele was in town, her last stop on her cross country road trip. I met up with her and her friends for lunch at Taco Mamacita. They have some interesting tacos. I got something called the Memphis, which had pulled pork and cucumber slaw with pickles and jalapenos on it, and a Caribbean chicken which had mango salsa on it. The Memphis was my favorite of the two.
Wednesday I decided to go to Buffalo Wild Wings after work to watch the Indians game and grab lunch. Not the best idea I guess since we got no hit by the Angels (E. Santana). Then to top off that horrible show I get home and find out that Natalie Stovall is doing a free show with Bo Bice (from American Idol) at 12th and Porter but since I stayed up and didn't nap there was no way I could go! (Sounds like some sort of child punishment...you didn't take a nap so you can't go! haha). So I just sat on my couch and watched what I taped from "The 90s Are All That" on Teen Nick. They started this new 2 hour block of programming on Monday and I set my DVR Tuesday night to start taping "Doug" and "Clarissa Explains it All". I miss good Nickelodeon programming from when I was a kid!
Saturday I was finally able to put up some pictures in my cubicle at work. After work I ordered a pizza from NY Pie for dinner and just relaxed.
Food/Bars/Music: Backyard Burgers, La Paz (well technically just drinks), Taco Mamacita
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